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Showing posts from June, 2020

20 Health Tips That Every Woman Should Know

20 Health Tips That Every Woman Should Know The media abounds in tricks and tips that aim to help you build your lifestyle as close as possible to what it means to be healthy. Asking for the opinion of dozens of specialists, Glamor highlighted some of the most important for a woman. 1. How to get more information from your doctor Think carefully about what you want from that visit (a diagnosis, a recommendation to a specialist, etc.) and do not feel embarrassed to ask anything that puzzles you. Tell your doctor about any supplement you are taking (some may interact with certain medicines). 2. Why sex is good Orgasm releases hormones which give a feeling of well-being and strengthen the immune system. Sex is one of the few things in life that is fun, free, and healthy. 3. Reduce your risk of cancer Find out about your family history. If you have parents, grandparents, aunts or uncles who were diagnosed with such a disease before the age of 50, you may be at inc

10 Tips for a Healthy Heart

10 Tips for a Healthy Heart Tips-for-Health-Heart The best way to maintain heart health is to take care of it, which is  not as hard as you might think. You just have to follow a few simple steps to prevent a heart attack but you will feel even better every day. Convince your wife not to smoke :   Men with smoking wives are 92 percent more likely to have a heart attack. Passive smoking raises bad cholesterol, lowers good cholesterol, and can lead to blood clots. Exercise for 30 minutes, 4 times a week :  Middle-aged men who work at least two hours a week have a 60% lower risk of suffering from cardiovascular  disease . L ose 5-10 kilograms :  Especially if you are overweight it is essential to lose weight in order not to have health problems. A 10-year study shows that obese people are prone to heart attacks 8.2 years earlier than others. Drink at least 5 glasses of  water  a day :  Although it is  recommended to drink 8 glasses, 5 is the minimum number,

Alia Shawkat finally revealed the truth

The legendary actress of "Search Party" and "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" Alia Shawkat on an interview to a magazine closed his dating chapter. The suspense comes to an end, when Ali Shawkat responded to the rumors about his dating with Brad Pitt. Earlier last November, both were seen together in Art Exhibition. Moreover, Alia Shawkat told that " I and Pit are just closed friend and there is no truth in the dating as rumors claimed."


10 THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THE NEW CORONAVIRUS (Covid-19) Things-to-know-about-Coronavirus 10 behavioral elements to follow: Wash your hands often. Avoid contact with people who are suspected of having acute respiratory infections. Try to avoid touching your eyes, face, nose or mouth with your hands. Cover your mouth and nose if you sneeze or cough. Do not take antiviral drugs or antibiotics unless your doctor prescribes them. Clean all surfaces with chlorine or alcohol based disinfectants. Use a protective mask only if you suspect that you are ill or if you provide assistance to sick people. "MADE in CHINA" products or packages received from China are not dangerous. Call govt helpline if you feel fever, cough, or have returned from China or quarantined areas in Europe for at least 14 days. Pets do not transmit coronavirus. What is coronavirus? Try to wash your hands regularly Washing and disinfecting hands are crucial actionsp to preven


WHAT IS CORONA-VIRUS COVID-19? WHAT-IS-CORONA-VIRUS-COVID-19 We often talk about 'corona', but officially the disease is called COVID-19. The disease is caused by a new coronavirus (SARS  severe acute respiratory syndrome  - CoV  coronavirus  -2). The complaints can resemble a cold. The disease can cause severe pneumonia, which sometimes also kills people. What is Coronavirus ? COVID-19 is the disease caused by a new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) . The disease can cause respiratory complaints and fever and, in severe cases, breathing problems. The virus is spread through coughing and sneezing. It is released into the air via droplets. If other people breathe in droplets or get them in their mouth, nose, or eyes, for example, they can become infected with the virus. The symptoms of COVID-19 The main complaints that often occur with COVID-19 are: WHAT-IS-CORONA-VIRUS-COVID-19 Common cold symptoms (such as colds, runny nose, sneezing, sore throat) Cough


WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS OF CORONA-VIRUS? Symptoms-of-Corona-Virus We usually called it ' corona ', but officially the disease is called COVID-19 . The disease is caused by a new coronavirus (SARS  severe acute respiratory syndrome  - CoV  coronavirus  -2). The complaints can resemble a cold. The disease can cause severe pneumonia, which sometimes also kills people. The new coronavirus causes the disease COVID-19. The symptoms often resemble a cold at first. The disease can cause severe pneumonia, which sometimes also kills people.   SYMPTOMS OFCORONAVIRUS COVID-19 Symptoms-of-Corona-Virus Common complaints: ·          Common cold symptoms such as colds, runny nose, sneezing, sore throat Cough Shortness of breath Increase or fever Sudden loss of smell and/or taste (without nasal congestion) Do you have one or more of these complaints? Stay home,  get tested , and get sick. If you have a fever and/or tightness, everyone in the house