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10 Tips for a Healthy Heart

10 Tips for a Healthy Heart

The best way to maintain heart health is to take care of it, which is 
not as hard as you might think. You just have to follow a few simple steps to prevent a heart attack but you will feel even better every day.

Convince your wife not to smoke: 
Men with smoking wives are 92 percent more likely to have a heart attack. Passive smoking raises bad cholesterol, lowers good cholesterol, and can lead to blood clots.

Exercise for 30 minutes, 4 times a week: Middle-aged men who work at least two hours a week have a 60% lower risk of suffering from cardiovascular 

Lose 5-10 kilograms: Especially if you are overweight it is
essential to lose weight in order not to have health problems. A 10-year study shows that obese people are prone to heart attacks 8.2 years earlier than others.

Drink at least 5 glasses of water a day: Although it is recommended to drink 8 glasses, 5 is the minimum number, without which the body does not function properly. This dilutes the blood and avoids clots.

Change coffee with tea: A recent study shows that those who drink 3 cups of tea a day have a half-low risk of heart
 disease, compared to people who
do not drink tea at all.

Eat salmon and tuna: Consuming fish at least twice a week reduces the risk by 30 percent due to omega 3 acids.

Ask your doctor about vitamin E and aspirin: Men who benefit from these two chemicals are 80% less likely to develop blood clots on the arteries, say researchers at the University of Pennsylvania.

Eat a cup of cornflakes in the morning: This type of 
cereal contains the highest concentration of folic acid, which lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease by 13 percent.

Count to 10 when you are in a stressful situation or find out bad news, and then react. This way, you will calm down a bit, which is very important for the heart. Impulsive men are 3 times more prone to heart attack compared to calm ones.

Eat watermelon:  Because it contains 40% more lycopene than tomatoes and is better absorbed by the body, preventing heart disease by 30 percent.


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