DIET TO LOSE WEIGHT IN 15 DAYS DIET TO LOSE WEIGHT IN 15 DAYS In order to lose weight in 15 days , it is necessary to carry out a healthy and balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain foods rich in fibers avoiding the consumption of industrialized foods, fried foods, frozen meals like pizzas and lasagna, sausages, fast foods, among others. In 15 days it is possible to lose between 1 Kg to 5 Kg ; however, this weight loss will depend on the person's metabolism, if they properly carry out the diet and if it is accompanied by physical activity. The type of physical activity that needs to be done primarily is aerobic, such as running, jogging, swimming, or walking, for example, to help the body use more energy and burn fat. 4 THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW WHILE LOSE WEIGHT WITH SPORTS What can you eat? The foods allowed in this diet are fruits and vegetables in general, because they are rich in fiber, causing a feeling of satiety and improving...
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