Can You Lose Weight With Paleo Diet?


The paleo diet is a very famous diet and consists of
whole and unprocessed foods.
Many experts believe the diet can reduce the risk of
certain health issues, using the hunter-gathering theory as a pointer.
However, many studies reveal that following a paleo diet can lead to a significant weight loss and improve the overall health
What Is the Paleo Diet?
The paleo diet is a diet that promotes eating whole,
unprocessed plant and animal foods like fish, eggs, meat, vegetables, seeds,
fruits, and nuts.
The diet tends to avoid processed foods such as sugar,
dairy, and grains. However, some alternative versions of the diet do allow
options like dairy and rice
Most weight loss diet involves counting calories, but
that is not the case with the paleo diet. Rather, the diet restricts the above
food groups, all of which are rich in calories.
Studies reveal that whole food diets are far better for weight
loss and overall health.
They tend to be more filling with few calories and also
reduce the intake of processed foods which are the link to many chronic diseases.
Ways In which a Paleo Diet Can Help You Lose Weight?
There are a number of ways in which a paleo diet can help
you lose weight.
5 of them are highlighted below.
1. Low in Carbs


One of the best ways of losing weight is to reduce your
carb intake.
Several studies reveal that a low-carb diet plan is more
effective and efficient than a low-fat diet plan for weight loss.
Low-carb diet: Can it help you lose weight?
Also, a paleo diet reduces your carb intake by
eliminating common carbohydrate sources like rice, bread, and potatoes.
It’s also important to note that carbs are not that bad
for you, but limiting your daily carb intake can lower your daily calorie
intake and help you lose weight more effectively.
2. High in Protein
Protein is a very important nutrient pertaining to weight loss. High protein intake increases your overall metabolism,
reduces your appetite, and regulates several hormones that control weight.
One of the most important things about the paleo diet is that
it encourages eating protein-rich foods like eggs, fish, and meats.
It is worthy of note that the average paleo diet provides
between 25-35% calories from protein alone.
3. Reduces Calorie Intake
For effective weight loss, you need to reduce your
calorie intake.
That’s why it is recommended that you eat foods that are
filling, as they tend to fend off hunger and reduce your appetite.
Several studies suggest that the paleo diet is more
filling than other popular diets like diabetes and Mediterranean diets
4. Eliminates Highly Processed Foods
High intake of highly processed foods is a major reason
why there is an increase in metabolic diseases.
The modern diet encourages eating highly processed foods,
which are low in nutrients, packed with calories and may increase your risk of
many chronic diseases.
Studies show that increased consumption of highly
processed foods are responsible for the rise in obesity
What the paleo diet does is that it restricts highly
processed diets, as they were not available during the Paleolithic time period.
Rather, it encourages eating fresh fruits and vegetables,
lean protein sources and healthy fats which are rich in nutrients and low in
5. Eliminates Added Sugar
Just like eating highly processed foods, consuming too
much sugar can be detrimental to your general health as well as your weight
loss of effort.
Sugar adds calories to foods. Not to mention, a high intake
of sugar can be a predisposing factor for diabetes and heart disease.
The Paleo diet promotes the natural source of sugar from
fresh fruit and vegetables while
eliminating added sugar altogether.
Although fruits and vegetables have natural sugars, they
are also rich in many essential nutrients like vitamins, fiber, and
antioxidants, all of which promote overall health.
The Paleo Diet also Improves Other Aspects of Health
Not only is the paleo diet effective in weight loss, but it also has
also been linked to many other health benefits.
1. May Increase Insulin Sensitivity and Reduce Blood Sugar
Insulin sensitivity refers to how your body responds to
Increasing your insulin sensitivity ensures that your body is more effective at metabolizing sugar from your bloodstream.
Studies reveal that the paleo diet increases insulin
sensitivity while also lowering blood sugar level
2. May Reduce Belly Fat
Belly fat also known as visceral fat is unhealthy and
increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and much other chronic health
Studies reveal that the paleo diet is very potent at
reducing visceral fat
3. May Reduce Risk of Heart Disease
Paleo Diet
With all the health benefits stated above, it is quite
clear that the paleo diet can promote heart health.
Being a low salt diet it encourages healthy fats, lean
protein source, fruits, and vegetables.
It’s no fluke that several studies have shown that the
Paleo diet may reduce risk factors linked to heart disease.
4. May Reduce Inflammation
Chronic inflammation is harmful and increases the risk of
chronic diseases like diabetes and heart diseases
The paleo diet encourages certain foods that help reduce
chronic inflammation.
It promotes eating fresh vegetables and fruits which are
a rich source of antioxidants.
Antioxidants help mops up free radicals in the body that
damaged cells during chronic inflammation.
Following a paleo diet meal plan can help you lose weight
Being high in protein, low in carbs, it may reduce
appetite and eliminate the tendency of consuming highly processed foods and
added sugar.
However, the paleo diet may not be suitable for everyone.
For instance, those who have difficulty with food
restriction may struggle to adapt.
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