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Weight loss with Apple Cider vinegar
Weight loss with Apple Cider vinegar

 Apple vinegar also comes in many varieties. It's a good idea to purchase organically fermented organic apple cider vinegar to get maximum efficacy and not waste ingredients.
Apple cider vinegar is not just a seasoning. It is a natural food that provides various medicinal properties to the body.  And among the benefits of apple cider vinegar is that it helps to lose weight.

This article explains why apple cider vinegar is a great supplement for weight loss and how to take it to get the most out of it.

Apple cider vinegar is made by fermenting the sugar contained in apples, and can also be made using apple juice. The aroma and flavor of apple cider vinegar is very strong and has a fruity scent, which is due to malic acid.
Fermentation can be done in a variety of ways.
  • ·         Natural fermentation: This is a traditional method made using the fruit's own yeast. Naturally, fermented vinegar is the recommended vinegar because it is an unprocessed fermented food that contains various health benefits.
  • ·         Selective yeast fermentation: Manufacturers put various types of salt and other ingredients into this vinegar and pasteurize it. As a result, vinegar loses much of its medicinal efficacy.
  • ·         Apple cider vinegar is a very easy and healthy ingredient for weight loss. No need to stop eating or skipping meals.

·         Apple cider vinegar sends the absorbed sugar to the muscles, not to the flesh, which results in the following benefits:
  • ·         Lowering blood sugar levels, replenishing sugar intake and sweetness reduces cravings.
  • ·         It increases insulin resistance and prevents flesh from sticking to the waist.
  • ·         Lowers triglyceride levels in the blood.
  • ·         Reduce abdominal fat.
  • ·         Speed ​​up metabolism and increase calorie consumption.
  • ·         It slows down the digestion process and keeps you feeling full for a long time, making you eat less without being hungry.
  • ·         It purifies and removes toxins and unhealthy fats.
  • ·         In addition to apple cider vinegar, eating a balanced diet and exercising 2-3 times a week will give you the best results.

How do you take apple cider vinegar?
You can use it as a seasoning when cooking, but you can also follow these steps for diet purposes.

  • ·         1 cup of water (200 ml)
  • ·         2 tablespoons of naturally fermented apple cider vinegar (30 ml)
  • ·         1 pinch of baking soda

How to use
  • ·         Mix all ingredients and drink 30 minutes before each meal.
  • ·         The most effective time to eat is in the morning, and it is best to drink on an empty stomach.
  • ·         You can use cold or warm water as you like.
  • ·         You can add some honey to it if you like.
  • ·         It is important to always dilute (or mix with food) apple cider vinegar in water to prevent stomach problems.
  • ·         Baking soda can neutralize the acid in apple cider vinegar if the stomach is sensitive, and also protects the tooth enamel.

Health benefits of apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar for healthy weight loss
Apple cider vinegar not only helps healthy weight loss but also has the following health benefits:
Alkali action: Apple cider vinegar prevents the body from acidifying any disease.
Anti-inflammatory action: Reduce inflammation to relieve pain associated with it.
Digestion and laxative action: improves digestion processes, prevents acidification, and aids bowel movements.
It relieves high cholesterol and high blood pressure.
Adjust your body's pH level.
Moreover, it keeps your teeth and mouth healthy.
Remove kidney stones.
Prevent seasonal allergies.
It strengthens immunity and acts as a natural antibiotic.
Prevent urinary tract infections.
Improves liver function
You can also use apple cider vinegar diluted in water on your skin or hair. Alternatively, it can be used continuously to remove fungi or warts.

Apple cider vinegar is a great ingredient for cooking. It has the following effects.
·         You can enhance the flavor of food without adding a lot of salt.
·         Increase shelf life and prevent bacterially growth.
·         Can be used to season vegetables, meat, fish, and other reproductive products.
·         Apple cider vinegar is a natural disinfectant. In addition to being used as a seasoning, it can also be used to trim salad vegetables.


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