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What is Ketogenic diet and how useful is it?

What is Ketogenic diet and how useful is it?

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The very low number of taking carbohydrates and taking a lot number of fat and proteins. This is the basic and simple principle of the ketogenic diet. any food item that, born as a remedial protocol against epilepsy, has increasingly spread as a diet for weight loss. The types of the keto diet, which are very popular today, are many, all combined by cutting carbohydrates as a "trick" to make the body use fats as fuel alternatively, with the result of losing weight. But does it really useful? And above all, is it a safe diet, or does it hide any risks to the body? All these queries are killed in this article.

Ketogenic diet:

The ketogenic diet is a diet that provides a very low intake of carbohydrates and a high number of proteins and fats.

The extreme decrease of carbohydrates for the interest of other nutrients intends to force the body to use fats as a source of energy, with the aim of promoting weight loss. The name "ketogenic" derives from the fact that this diet, efficiently reducing the consumption of carbohydrates, leads to the creation of the so-called ketone bodies.

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The ketogenic diet was shown as a low carbohydrate food plan aimed at reducing unwanted seizures in patients who did not respond to medicines, particularly in children. Very low carbohydrate diets have been used for this purpose since 1900. It was the researchers and doctors of the Johns Hopkins Medical Center who observed that these diet regimens, in patients with epilepsy, helped reduce diseases such as seizures.

Later on, these diet plans have been broadly used for the treatment of obesity, but also in the presence of other unhealthy conditions such as diabetes, polycystic ovarian syndrome, acne. it was in the case noted that, in addition to acting on seizures, they produced positive effects on human body fat, blood sugar, cholesterol, and hunger levels.
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The ketogenic diet has, accordingly, become frequently popular as a diet to lose weight, which exploits the outcomes for the body of the reduction of carbohydrates and the increased consumption of fats not for therapeutic purposes, but to animate weight loss.

There are many types of the ketogenic diet. All highly dietary plan styles are ketogenic, which provide for a sharp reduction in the intake of carbohydrates (on average, no more than 55 g per day) and the intake of protein sources mainly of high biological value. Among these, some are famous ketogenic diets as, the Atkins diet, Blackburn, Tisanoreica, the early stages of the Dukan Diet.

The ketogenic diet for weight loss: the principles

The ketogenic diet is based on a strong reduction in carbohydrate consumption, associated with a substantial increase in fat consumption and high protein intake. It seems to be a balanced diet for actors and girls who want to enjoy a smart and slim body.
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It, therefore, determines a strong imbalance, almost a reversal, of the proportions between the macronutrients foreseen by the Mediterranean diet, which recommends an intake of carbohydrates equal to 50 -60% of the daily energy, fat equal to no more than 36% and equal proteins at 11-13%.

In the ketogenic diet, on the other hand, fats represent 65-75% of the total calories ingested, carbohydrates do not exceed 10-20% and proteins are around 20-25% of the daily caloric quota.

Unlike other low-carb diets, the keto diet, therefore, does not provide for an excessive load of proteins, which are present to a greater extent than the Mediterranean diet, but whose addition is not as drastic as that of fats.


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